
Showing posts from June, 2024

Make the Holi festival safer use Non-Toxic Holi Colours and Organic herbal Gulal

Non-Toxic Holi Colours Non-toxic Holi colours are designed to be safe for skin, hair, and the environment. They are free from harmful chemicals, synthetic dyes, and heavy metals that can cause allergies, skin irritations, or other health issues. These colours are suitable for all age groups, ensuring a fun and safe Holi celebration. Gulal Holi Colors Gulal is the traditional coloured powder used during Holi, the festival of colours. It comes in various vibrant shades and is a central part of the festivities. Gulal is typically made from starches like corn or rice flour and can be either synthetic or natural. Holi Gulal Powder Holi Gulal powder is a finely milled, brightly coloured powder used to celebrate Holi. It is tossed into the air, smeared on faces, and sprinkled on clothes, filling the environment with colour. It is an essential component of Holi, symbolizing joy and togetherness. Eco-Friendly Holi Colours Eco-friendly Holi colours are made from natural, biodegradable ingredien

Play Holi safe with Organic and Eco-Friendly Holi Colours

Organic Gulal : Organic gulal is made from natural ingredients such as flowers, herbs, and other plant-based sources. These colors are free from harmful chemicals and synthetic dyes, making them safe for the skin and the environment. Organic gulal often contains essential oils that add a pleasant fragrance. Herbal Gulal : Similar to organic gulal, herbal gulal is derived from natural herbs and plant extracts. These colors are known for their skin-friendly properties and are less likely to cause allergic reactions or skin irritations. Common ingredients include neem, tulsi, and hibiscus. Organic Colours : These are broad categories of colors made from organic substances. Used in various applications, organic colors are environmentally friendly and do not contain toxic substances. They are safe for both human use and the ecosystem. Gulal Holi Colors : Gulal refers specifically to the powdered colors used during the Holi festival. Traditional gulal is made from natural sources like tur

100% Natural, eco friendly Non-Toxic Holi Colours

Creating 100% natural, eco-friendly, and non-toxic Holi colors is a great way to ensure a safe and joyful celebration Our colours are made from herbs, agricultural produce, food crops, fruit and vegetable extracts, flowers, etc. They are absolutely safe and healthy! And for the sceptics, we’ve even had our colours analysed for heavy metals and artificial dyes!  100% Natural, eco friendly Non-Toxic Holi Colours : No talc used No artificial colours No chemicals Non-toxic Laboratory tested Skin friendly Absolutely safe! Eco-friendly,  Non-Toxic Holi Colours is a secure, non-toxic range of ready-to-use powder colours. These are specifically formulated ready-to-use powder colours which are safe and non-toxic finished of cosmetics grade ingredients making it safe for use by kids aged 3 Years and above.. Specially formulated ready to use fine powder colours can us used for any celebration wedding, birthday, and more. These colours are specially formulated ready to use fine powder colours. Th

Find natural organic colours for holi, safe for everyone

Finding natural and safe organic colors for Holi can enhance the fun while ensuring safety for everyone.  Here are some ideas for natural organic colors: Yellow Turmeric Powder: Mix turmeric with besan (gram flour) or chickpea flour to create a dry yellow powder. Marigold Flowers: Dry the petals of marigold flowers and grind them into a fine powder. Red Red Sandalwood Powder: Also known as Rakta Chandan, it is a safe option. Beetroot: Dry beetroot slices and grind them into a powder, or boil beetroot and use the water as a liquid color. Hibiscus Flowers: Dry the flowers and grind them into a powder. Green Henna Powder (Mehendi): Make sure it is natural and unadulterated. Spinach: Boil spinach leaves and use the strained water as a green color, or dry the leaves and grind them into a powder. Neem Leaves: Dry and grind neem leaves to make a fine green powder. Blue Indigo: Natural indigo powder can be used, ensuring it's pure and free from chemicals. Blue Hibiscus: Dry and powder the

Non toxic holi colours - Gulaal | Child-Safe | Lab-Tested

Non-toxic Holi colors , such as Gulaal, that are child-safe and lab-tested ensure a safe and enjoyable festival for everyone.  Here are some options and tips for choosing and making these colors: Commercially Available Non-Toxic Holi Colours Herbal Gulal : Brands: Some well-known brands like "Herbal Gulal" offer colors made from natural ingredients like turmeric, henna, and flower petals. Features: These colors are free from harmful chemicals and synthetic dyes. They are usually tested for safety on skin and hair. Organic Holi Colors: Brands: Look for organic labels from brands like "Phool," "Petal," or "Herbal India." Features: Made from food-grade materials and natural extracts, these colors are environmentally friendly and safe for children. Eco-Friendly Holi Colors: Brands: Companies like "Green Gulal" focus on sustainable and safe color production. Features: Made from biodegradable ingredients, these colors are safe for the environ

play safe with best natural holi colors

Playing Holi with natural, skin-friendly colors is a great way to ensure a fun and safe celebration. Here are some ideas for the    best natural Holi colors you can make at home or purchase: Homemade Natural Holi Colors Red Color: Ingredients: Red hibiscus flowers or red sandalwood powder. Method: Dry the hibiscus flowers in the sun and then grind them into a fine powder. Alternatively, you can use red sandalwood powder directly. Yellow Color: Ingredients: Turmeric powder or marigold flowers. Method: Mix turmeric powder with a little flour for a dry color, or dry and grind marigold flowers to make a powder. Green Color: Ingredients: Neem leaves or henna powder. Method: Dry neem leaves in the shade and grind them into a powder. Henna powder (mehendi) can be used directly but ensure it’s pure and free of any artificial additives. Blue Color: Ingredients: Blue hibiscus flowers or jacaranda flowers. Method: Dry the flowers in the sun and grind them into a fine powder. Orange Color: Ingred